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Advance Health Care Directive


​An advance health care directive allows for you to specify certain instructions relating to your health care for when you are incapacitated or are deceased. This can include how much life support you wish to receive, whether you wish to receive pain medication, whether you want to donate organs and for what purpose, whether you want your nominated agent to have the authority to authorize an autopsy, and even what you wish to be done with your remains. Your advance health care directive also allows you to nominate a conservator who will be the person who takes care of you if you are over the age of 18 and need a caretaker. An advance health care directive is a very important document to have as it instructs your medical provider as to your wishes when you are otherwise unable to do so.

At HOSE & SANCHEZ we include an advance health care directive as a part of your trust package ( see Trusts ). Call us today at (916) 246-0000 for a free 30 minute consultation.